Sergey Pimenov
front-end developer
front-end developer
I'm front-end developer with development experience of about 8 years. I develop complex projects using latest technologies, animations and making interfaces accessible. The code written by me is scalable and modern. Using automation tools I ensure the reliability and sustainability of projects. I will be happy to help you develop your projects.
- HTML Semantic, valid and accessible. Written in a way that is understandable to people and search robots.
- CSS Squeeze everything out of CSS. Grids, Flexbox, complex animations - no problem! What I can (and should) do with CSS, I do with it.
- JavaScript I use it in the context of front-end development and animation. Modern, efficient and clear to understand those who work with it. All that is needed - commented and optimized.
- React SPA, storybooks, things of any kind.
- SVG For me, it’s not just an extension for vector images. It’s a vector language with fantastic features that I use intensively.
- CSS preproccesors As a preprocessor I usually use Sass or PostCSS. But of course I can use both Stylus, Less, and CSS-in-JS. For React I usually use CSS modules and, if necessary, add PostCSS.
- Template engines For HTML decomposition, I usually use PostHTML. If necessary, I use Handlebars or Nunjucks.
- Webpack, Parcel etc. In general, I use Webpack. If the project is small, I use Parcel. If necessary, I write custom CLI.
- Git Of course I work with Git. I use conventional commits, branching, review pull requests of my colleagues, resolve conflicts etc.
- Responsiveness I make sure everything is perfect on every screen, on every resolution. Responsive design, adaptive, separate mobile version - do it right.
- Animation and interactivity I pay a lot of attention to animation, it’s my hobby. I breathe life into the UI and make the user remember and love the product.
- Architecture and documentation I make scalable projects and write documentation to them so that the team will be pleased to work.
- Linting and code-quality I’m all over it. ESLint + Stylelint + Prettier. And to that, I use Husky to automate the whole thing.
- Accessibility I make it so that people with disabilities can use the product. It’s very important to me.